Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Another Kairos

Brothers & Sisters,
I have been thinking about writing this blog for about 2 weeks now. Satan was working very hard to de-rail our Kairos #11 at the Lea County Correctional Facility, but he had to work against our Lord and prayers from all our team and supporters. Needless to say, Satan lost the battle.
Just before the weekend began a prison-wide shakedown was conducted and some shanks(prison knives) were found in Pod 4. So the entire prison was placed in lockdown, but being blessed with a Chaplain and wardens who know what Kairos can do for the men they decided that Kairos #11 would proceed as planned.
Thursday night went without a hitch and the team and pilgrims were all blessed getting to know each other better.
Friday morning started slowly as usual and then a security gate was found open and an inmate was thought to have been seen entering the local casino. So all the pilgrims and servants were sent back to their housing units for a prison-wide count. The team just started to have a mini-revival in the chapel and many songs and prayers were sent up to the Lord, and about 2 1/2 hours later the pilgrims and servants were released back to the Kairos community room/South gym. A number of the team commented that there was a change in the participants as they re-enter, and they were all pleased to be back with us.The Lord stepped in again and multiplied time getting all the talks completed and back on schedule long before the closing time. The talks were really amazing and right from each
man's heart. Yes, the Lord slapped Satan around again.
Saturday morning started with 2 participants and one servant lockdown in Pod 3 after a fight occurred on Friday evening; these men were attending Kairos during the fight. So your humble leader walked down to the Capt in charge for the day and asked if there was anyway the three could be released for Kairos; his reply was "NO, they can not". After discussing the issue with some of the team members I went outside and called the Chaplain on my cell phone and explained the situation to him and waited for a return call from him. He called me back in just a few minutes and said they would be released and before I cleared security and got back to the gym the guys were there. One more slap down for the Lord. Many wonderful things happened on Saturday, the whole community was blessed in Hebrew by one of the participants who is a Messianic Jew. Our Catholic priest from Lovington came in and gave the meditation on "Knowing Jesus Christ"and spent time talking with a few of the participants who spoke only Spanish. The talks about "Forgiveness", "The Wall" and "Footprints" were as always very moving.
Sunday was a very calm day with everyone smiling and encouraging each other. The Lord had done His work on lots of hearts. A wonderful Fourth Day talk was given by one of the inmates he explained what Kairos had done in his life, I still get God-Bumps when I remember what he
said. Just before Closing ended one of our team members fell to the floor due to a muscle spasm in his back
and everyone's focus changed, but He is doing well and has seen his doctor. Even with all his health issues he is truly a warrior for the Lord.
The Outside Angels and Head Cook did a superb job developing a very good menu and feeding everyone. God worked another miracle with the replacement cooker two of our team members gotat the last minute. Thanks Head Cook for all you do cooking those hamburgers and steaks they were great.
The pilgrims eyes showed their awe as the prayer chain was placed completely around the gym again. How the outside team does all the work they do is certainly a God thing. The new young men were enlisted as runners they were a blessing. You are both invited back anytime for Kairos.
I want to thank all of you for your prayers, support, agape and generous donations. I know we will all see the fruit bloom that was planted during Kairos #11.
Thank you Lord for Your Spirit and placing us in places where we can serve You.
His Servant,

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

A Hurting Kairos Brother


I met last night with a prisoner at the Lea County Correctional Facility, and we talked about his problems maintaining his Christianity in prison. There are many times in each of our lives when the Spirit helps us minister to one another and this meeting was one of them. Every time I go to council one of my brother in prison, the blessings received are mutual. We both are even more aware of our common humanity and our total reliance on Jesus Christ. Thank you my Lord Jesus and Your Holy Spirit that led me to the Kairos Prison Ministry.

Heb 10:23-24 Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful; and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds

In His Love,

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Kairos Time Again


Kairos is God's special time and a Christian based prison ministry that I am proud to be a small part of.

Mat 25:35-36 'For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in; naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to Me.'

Friends that is what it is all about Listen.. Listen.. Love.. Love.
Our next Kairos will be in the Lea County Correctional Facility, April 6-9, 2006, God willing.

In His Love,

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Kairos God's Special Time

Have about 15 minutes to spend here as we prepare for our prison ministry (Kairos). I pray that our team is united in the love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Let all of us do nothing more than show His love to the residents by Listening and Loving them. Let us be Your instruments here on earth Lord. I feel the anticipation building in me that this weekend will be a wonderful experience in our lives. Thank You Lord

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Emily Posted by Hello

Thursday, February 03, 2005

My Brothers

Our time together is a blessing to me. Thank you for your support and Love.